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The word 'antioxidant' means 'antioxidant.' In fact

by:Trust&Deal Breeding Equipment     2020-07-15
In fact, within each of us is an some antioxidant system, which fights for life with free radicals. But after 40 years it begins to worse to deal with the problem, especially if one eats low-quality foods, smoking, sunbathing without protective equipment, living in ecologically unfavorable conditions. To help her, taking antioxidants, and offer us from all sides. And we obey. In North America and Europe antioxidants as dietary supplements and nutraceutical products regularly ate taken from 80 to 160 million people, that is 10-20% of the adult population. Over the last year Americans spent only $ 2.3 billion on various supplements and vitamins. Ctoilo to spend money? The fact is that antioxidants can slow the aging process, first suggested an American scientist Denham Harman. Since 1970, around the world have begun research in this direction, and in general terms, the hypothesis was confirmed by Hartmann. In the 90s boom began Antioxidant: Antioxidants are considered not only the 'elixir of youth', but almost a panacea for all ills. Today, more than 100 recognized diseases, which contribute to the emergence of free radicals: among them atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis. There are 3000 antioxidants of vegetable origin only, and this number is growing rapidly. All of them are divided into 4 groups: vitamins, bioflavonoids, minerals and enzymes. Each is responsible for his area of work. 1. Vitamins. There are fat soluble and water soluble. The first protect our fatty tissues, while the latter - the muscles, blood vessels, ligaments ... The most powerful antioxidants - vitamin C (water soluble), A, E, beta-carotene (fat soluble). 2. Bioflavonoids. Act as a trap for free radicals and inhibit their education and contribute to the removal of toxic substances. This is particularly the catechins contained in red wine, and quercetin, which is especially a lot of citrus and green tea. 3. Minerals. Also not produced in the body. The most powerful mineral antioxidant - selenium, calcium, zinc and manganese. 4. Enzymes. Produced in the body and act as a catalyst: accelerated clearance of free radicals. The enzymes can optionally receive and outside - many are available as drugs (eg, coenzyme Q10). The tablets or foods? Thus, antioxidants are needed. And we have a choice of where to take them - of pills and dietary supplements or from natural products. Antioxidants from food are more active than artificially synthesized. There is an explanation: in the nature of each vitamin is found in the form of at least two isomers (different molecules swirling in space), and synthetic - as one. Each isomer has a role in the body, so the organic vegetables and fruits are clearly benefiting from tablets. However, there is an important 'but': with each decade in the products becomes less and less vitamins and minerals. According to American scientists over the past half-century in carrots was 24% less iron in broccoli - 37% less calcium in the pumpkin - 52% less vitamin B2 ... Therefore, if only for fruits and vegetables, there is a risk not to get the rate of antioxidants. We also have a trump card of nutritional supplements. Not so long ago succeeded in synthesizing antioxidants antioxidant with several centers in one molecule - such vitamins and flavonoids, 'two, three, four in one.' The antioxidant properties of these compounds is much stronger. In the nature of such combinations is not there. However, scientists have been slow to advertise these drugs - at least to general consumers. 'The question about their use actively discussed in scientific literature, - said Maxim Skulachev. - The fact that the body can absorb the shock dose of vitamins and minerals, rather aggressively, and as a result of possible reverse effect - the oxidative stress will only worsen. ' Svetlana Orlova, agrees with his colleague: 'Apply the powerful antioxidant dietary supplements alone is not worth it.' The situation is paradoxical: synthetic antioxidants available, but the scientists themselves are not sure how to apply them correctly. 'If your food is poor in vitamins and natural antioxidants, - said Maxim Skulachev, - it makes sense to take antioxidant vitamin supplements or complex. But if the diet is balanced, it has fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy and yeast products, artificial additives that are unnecessary and may even do harm. ' The ideal solution - eat organic foods, in which there are many antioxidants. If not, you should pay attention to dark chocolate, coffee and spices. The first is often referred to superedoy: Many experts believe that a healthier eat a couple slices of good chocolate than fruit shoplifter. Coffee on the content of antioxidants is on par with the chocolate, but for some items ahead of him. A study by the National Research Center on Ageing (Baltimore, USA) study the antioxidant properties of 277 products yielded surprising results: spices - a real storehouse of natural antioxidants. First place was shared by cinnamon and cloves - these spices more antioxidants than blueberries and cranberries in. A dried oregano and turmeric useful strawberry and pomegranate. Strangers within us There is another reason not to get involved with high doses of Badami antioxidants. Recently, more and more scientists believe that they can be dangerous. So, the French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who discovered the human immunodeficiency proved that the fight against the oxidation of paving the way for inflammatory processes, based on the so-called diseases of 'third age': the syndrome of Alzheimer's, arthritis, some cardiovascular diseases. No less serious discovery scientists from Harvard Medical Center (USA). They found that if the body is the process of Oncology, shock dose of antioxidants begin to work for the benefit of tumor cells, making them much more viable. They help malignant cells to resist treatment and contribute to the formation of metastases. Dr. Brian Lavenda, director of clinical research in radiation oncology Naval Medical Center San Diego (California, USA), tested this theory as applied to women suffering from breast cancer, and came to the disappointing conclusions. 'In cancer treatment we use the free radicals that damage cancer cells, - he explains. - Antioxidants reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In no event should not take antioxidants during chemotherapy and radiation. ' Is Elixir of Youth? The main reason for the boom around the antioxidants - many hope that they can extend life in general and youth in particular. Today, there are two major theories of aging. According to one, dryahlenie and death - a genetic given, and a radical change in life expectancy is only possible when exposed to the human genome. The second theory suggests that the destruction of the organism begins at the cellular level with the participation of free radicals. That means slowing down the process of free radical oxidation, and can delay aging. Relationship of antioxidants and aging, as well as finding a real cure for the working age in Russia is engaged scholar of world renown biochemist, Academician Vladimir Skulachev. He is convinced that the secret to longevity - in mitochondria, the power stations of cells. In them the oxidation of organic substances by molecular oxygen, thereby produced the energy needed for cell activity. Along the way, the mitochondria produce free radicals. Conventional antioxidants which we obtain from food or Badami, according to Skulachev, can not neutralize them. But after years of working with academic colleagues have developed a special antioxidant Q10, which targeted effect on mitochondria. In honor of the inventor, he was called 'cation Skulachev.' This superantioksidant neutralizes free radicals at the time of their appearance, not allowing them to enter the cell and damage it. Synthesized 'elixir of youth' until tested for the mushrooms, fish and mice. In the latter, life expectancy then was doubled. Designed of eye drops, which have proven effective in the fight against senile eye disorders in animals. Begun clinical trials of a similar 'human' of the drug on human volunteers. Is the development of other drugs for diseases of aging. 'Of course, while talking about the pill from age early, - says Maxim Skulachev, son of the inventor. - But we hope that in coming decades will be able to overcome many age-related diseases that were previously considered untreatable. ' Furthermore, the very use of any antioxidant drugs - is not a guarantee that they will work. It is necessary that antioxidants are well absorbed and assimilated. This process is poorly understood, and research is ongoing. Dose Beauty A well-known boom - cosmetics with antioxidants. Most often in the creams include vitamins E, C, F, A and carotenoids (beta-carotene and lycopene), bioflavonoids, coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid and selenium. However, experts are disappointing: the rejuvenating effect of antioxidants in cosmetics has not been proven. The majority of these substances larger molecules, which simply can not penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin. So we expect from the cream with antioxidants noticeable rejuvenating effect is meaningless. But clearly established that antioxidants heal perfectly microtrauma, reduce inflammation and provide a barrier to ultraviolet light. Sunscreen, aftershave lotions, emollient formulations after a chemical peel - that means, where the antioxidants actually work. There is also good news. The antioxidants in cosmetics have lot of potential. It's found that the antioxidants of vegetable origin (flavonoids, isoflavones, routine, Rutozide) have a powerful, stable, active controlled, and biological effect. But it can not get out of cream, and using injections of highly concentrated antioxidant cocktail. While drugs such rarity, because their production is very expensive. Researchers are working to make the injection more antioxidant available. Conclusions for Health 1) Include in your diet antioxidants makes sense if you are over 40 years, you regularly eat fast food, work in adverse environmental conditions, a smoker with experience, or eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. 2) It is best to get antioxidants from natural, organic foods and spices, rather than from supplements. At high risk of cancer or cancer after suffering any medications contraindicated with antioxidants. 3) Cosmetics with antioxidants does not regenerate, but excellent care of your skin, protect and relieve inflammation.
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