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Crate training is one of the most effective ways

by:Trust&Deal Breeding Equipment     2020-06-11
The concept behind crate training is that a shih tzu naturally strives to avoid soiling the area where it eats and sleeps. By placing the shih tzu dog in the crate, this instinct is enhanced. The shih tzu will come to see the crate as its den, and it will try to avoid soiling its den. The key to successful crate training for a shih tzu puppy or an older shih tzu , as with other forms of dog training, is to establish a good routine. This routine will enhance the ability of the shih tzu to do its business in the right place, and avoid eliminating in the wrong place. It is important to shower the shih tzu with praise each and every time it eliminates in the established toilet area, and not to express frustration or anger when the dog makes a mistake. It is important to confine the shih tzu or shih tzu puppy to a small part of the house, generally one puppy proofed room, when you are not at home. The room should contain a soft bed, fresh water and some favorite toys to prevent the shih tzu from becoming bored and frustrated. Crate training is different from confining the shih tzu to one room, however. With crate training, the shih tzu puppy or shih tzu dog is confined to a crate when unsupervised. The idea is that the shih tzu will think of this crate as its home, and not want to soil his home. When crate training, it is important to remove the shih tzu from the crate as soon as possible after returning home, and to take the shih tzu promptly to the previously established toilet area. When the shih tzu does its business in this toilet area, be sure to provide lots of praise and treats. It is important that the shih tzu learn to associate proper toilet procedures with good things like treats and toys. It is important to never leave the shih tzu in its crate for long periods of time, as this will confuse the shih tzu and force it to soil its sleeping area. The crate is simply a tool, and it should not be abused by leaving the shih tzu in it for extended periods of time. If the shih tzu is left in the crate for too long, it could set back the training program by weeks if not months. The shih tzu should only be confined to the crate when you are at home. Except for nighttime, the shih tzu should be given the opportunity to relieve itself every 45 minutes or so. Each time the shih tzu is taken out, it should be put on a leash and immediately taken outside. Once outside the house, the shih tzu should be given three to five minutes to do its business. If the shih tzu does not eliminate in this time period, it should be immediately returned to the create. If the shih tzu does its business during the set time period, it should be rewarded with praise, food, play, affection and either an extended walk or a period of play inside or outside the home. During the crate training period, it is important to keep a daily diary of when the dog does its business each day. If the shih tzu is on a regular feeding schedule, the toilet schedule should be consistent as well. Having a good idea of when the shih tzu needs to eliminate each day will be a big help during the house training process. After the shih tzu has used his established toilet area, you will be able to give the shih tzu free run of the house to play and enjoy himself. Dealing with accidents during crate training It is very important to not punish the shih tzu puppy or shih tzu dog when it makes a mistake or has an accident during the crate training process. If there has been an accident, simply clean it up. Accidents during house training mean that you have provided the shih tzu with unsupervised access to the house too quickly. The shih tzu should not be allowed unsupervised access to the home until you can trust her bowel and bladder habits. If mistakes do occur, it is best to go back to crate training. Taking a couple of steps back will help move the house training process along, while moving too quickly could set things back. Connie Limon is a shih tzu breeder. She publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Discounts are offered to subscribers. Sign up at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com This article is FREE to publish with resource box.
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