There is a stock of plastic slats prepared in Trust&Deal Co.,Ltd., which proves to be useful when there are urgent demands for the product. We have a large warehouse located near the factory, which is spacious to store a certain amount of product. If there are extra products made during manufacturing, we will store them for the discount activities. Customers can consult with us to learn specific information about the product stock. But as for customized products, they may not be stored for they are designed and sold to specific customers.

Trust&Deal Breeding Equipment is a globally distinguished brand dedicated to the development and manufacturing of poultry equipment. fiberglass beams produced by Trust&Deal is very popular in the market. exhaust shutter is used for protection to control the exhaust fan shutter. Its hollow design can decrease the accumulation of harmful gas. This product with tightly sewn seams is not likely to fall apart during normal use. People can be assured that this product will not suddenly burst at the seams. Made of eco-friendly materials, it is non-toxic and odor-free.

We provide global customers with perfect integrated solutions for fiberglass beams. Inquiry!