
Plastic accessory supplier for Poultry & Livestock Breeding Equipment

no good deed shall go unpunished ...

by:Trust&Deal Breeding Equipment     2020-02-28
It\'s a good idea to move the aerial hand from the attic.
Better yet, add more loft insulation at the same time.
What may be the problem?
How about putting them in the garage? Ahhhh man.
In Michigan, they call it the Kevorkian option. [dagger]
They need to be inside and increase the insulation level of the attic when you move them in.
Should it be easy? Nope.
There is no such thing as a free hot lunch.
\"There is no such thing as a free thermodynamic lunch.
\"Let\'s look at the problem at the most difficult stage of climate discrimination.
The hardest climate zone?
Not where you think.
The hot and humid climate is much more difficult than the rest.
This is not a picnic on a swamp in sandbar or in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.
In both ways, the view of Cuba is very good. double dagger]
But that\'s the problem if you\'re in a regulation business.
Give me snow any day;
In contrast, this is easy to handle. [section]
We played well together in South Texas and South Florida;
So they started taking the air handlers out of the attic and putting them in the garage.
The trouble is that it\'s not enough to put them in the garage (Photo 2).
See Kevin Kian above.
Also, from the point of view of temperature and humidity, the garage is not much better than the attic.
Or are they better?
It depends on how you define it better.
Better usually means cooler.
The garage is not as hot as the attic.
Yes, the garage is cooler, but it\'s actually more troublesome.
Lower temperature means higher relative humidity.
The air in the attic and garage comes from the same place. -outside.
But relatively high humidity. It gets worse-wait for it-in a hot attic.
The box that makes the air cold is actually warmer.
Not so much in the garage.
The air handlers themselves are colder, and the supply plenary session connected to them is also colder.
So more things sweatway more.
When we moved the air handlers from the attic to the garage, we actually added moisture issues with the equipment and plumbing works. Now what?
Not moving them back to the attic.
The next way is to put them in the closet in the garage (Photo 3).
It\'s easy, right?
If they were gas stoves, they wouldn\'t.
And, if you have a gas water heater next to you, it gets complicated (Photo 4).
You have to provide burning air, basically a big hole connecting the closet and the garage.
Defeated the purpose of stopping sweating.
Unless the gas stove is sealed and burned, the water heater is sealed and burned.
I like to seal the burning things (Photo 5)
But it\'s expensive.
Did I mention I like to seal the burn?
In order to avoid the burning of the seal, people ended up doing a bunch of things.
They put the gas water heater outside the closet (Photo 6)
Or they will replace the gas water heater for the electric water heater.
Then throw away the gas stove and go with the heat pump.
Now, the problem of big burning air holes is gone.
Apply the weather stripping to the wall closet door, we\'re fine, right? Nope.
Ah, man, what now?
The box that makes the air cold is cold, and it will be colder in the closet.
Not only is the box colder, but the closet in the box is also colder.
There is almost nothing in the closet.
The surface temperature drops and the relative humidity near these surfaces rises.
Yes, M. \" Mold.
A garage in South Florida and southeast Texas has cold closets with cold equipment? Fun, eh?
We have to keep the closet warm.
Should the wardrobe be heated?
Leave the city.
Yes, but we have to be smart.
Put a declaration form in the closet (Figure 1). Yup. That is insane. Nope.
Where did the air of makeup come from?
Take it from the house.
Combine the wardrobe with the house.
Use jump tube (Figure 2)
Or grille (Figure 3)
So, the warm air coming out of the house is pulled into the closet to heat the closet.
This air is also drier than the air in the garage. -much drier. This works.
You have to be careful not to decompress the closet too much.
No more than 3 Pa. (II)
How do you determine the size of the return and jump pipes and the transfer grille?
Guess, measure, look. A 6 in. by 6 in. (
152mm by 152mm)
Grille and 12 in return air chamber. by 16 in. (
305mm by 406mm)
Transfer the grille to the House works. How do I know?
Look at the \"measurement and observation\" of the above sentence \".
This is a very big hole for the house. Yup.
The closet in the garage is not easy to do the work. Yup. Now what?
Put the air processor in the house.
Where it belongs
It\'s much easier to make all these things work inside.
But now you have to pay attention to two very important things. Two things. Not just one.
First of all, the air handling closet will be colder than it was in the garage.
Second, the moisture level at the top of the closet is higher than the moisture level at the bottom.
I will defend this crazy statement later.
But now, that\'s it.
If all you do is put the air conditioner in the closet in the house, you will get mold. Not a lot. But some.
It is usually located on the ceiling of the closet and the supply room goes through the ceiling (Photo 7).
This problem disappears with the grille on the return air chamber (
See figure 1 again)
, Plus a jump tube or grille.
What about the blinds?
Work, but people don\'t always like the noise of air conditioning.
I know some of you will be shocked by this, but it is common to heat the walls of the mechanical closet for acoustic purposes ---
Yes, you guessed it. It made the closet colder.
The quietest arrangement seems to be a jumping pipe with a soundproof wall.
Makeup air in the main part of the House should enter a closet close to the ceiling or through the ceiling (
See the \"Second thing\" above \").
You will get a warm closet, warm air handling procedures, warm supply plenary surfaces and quiet.
Are we over? Ah, no.
There are a few important things.
The mechanical wardrobe will be a little negative.
If the ceiling is under a ventilated attic, the plumbing work that penetrates the ceiling needs to be sealed.
You don\'t want to pull hot and humid air from the attic into the mechanical closet.
The supply and return pipes should not be flexible pipes (Photo 8)
Because sealing is very difficult. -
With rigid pipes (Photo 9). Done yet? No.
Remember the higher the water level mentioned earlier?
According to the typical theory, it should not happen. Except it does.
Students, you can do this experiment at home.
First, find a friend who likes you, but believe that you are wrong and bring your own Dew --
Point the table to prove you\'re obviously wrong (Photo 10).
There is a camera ready to record for future generations how wrong he is with you (Photo 11). Oops. Not wrong.
The meter must be wrong. Actually, no.
For a long time, we have been recording this in the unvented attic. (Check out \"BA-
1511: Construction Science website: \"on-site testing of unventilated roofs with fiber insulation, ceramic tiles and steam diffusion ventilation\" on jawb9hy \". )
Why should we care?
Remember at the beginning of this discussion when I pointed out that the insulation level of the attic was also rising?
What happens when you add attic insulation from R-30 to R-38? Wait for it--
Your ceiling is getting cold.
Don\'t you just like this?
Yes, the insulation in the attic can work.
The load in the attic is reduced.
Match this with higher dew.
Point temperature on the lower side of the ceiling, what do you get?
Ah, it\'s \"M\" again \".
What is the least space load? Closets.
The closet needs a \"active\" return on the ceiling (Photo 12)
And weaken the door.
The wardrobe is getting colder and colder now.
No good thing is punished.
Yes, move in the air handling unit.
Yes, raise the level of insulation in the attic.
But you have to compensate for the change in relative humidity.
Do you think this is interesting?
Wait until you provide a high level of full house ventilation--
Nice window too
It sounds like the iec and ASHRAE Standard 62 of 2015. 2.
Maybe you should invest in a Dewet company and find yourself a very good HVAC contractor. BY JOSEPH W. LSTIBUREK, PH. D. , P. ENG.
Researcher ASHRAE Joseph W. Lstiburek, Ph. D. , P. Eng.
He is the head of the construction science company in Westford, Massachusetts. Visit www. Science of architecture. com.
* This could be an interesting debate about spirits or hoppy fermented liquids.
So if Alenius is right, they are a more tragic place.
But the crawling space is too wet.
But sometimes the attic is hot and wet, cold and wet. I don\'t know.
Ground water, soil gas and strange creatures can be seen in the crawling space. ([dagger])
The air processor leaks air, and unlike the pipe works, the pipe works can actually be \"sealed\" with the majestic because it cancels the warranty, so you are not allowed to air seal the air processor itself.
The typical air processor leaks about 50 cfm (24 L/s)of air.
What a ghost when this is the supply side.
Air the garage from the house, not so bad--
Of course it\'s the energy penalty, but it\'s not very bad either.
More changes in the air are mainly the problem in the humid climate because of the part
Something loaded with humidity, but not terrible bad.
When this is on the back side--bad, very bad.
Just for fun, go to your local building department and tell the chief building officer that you will put 50 cfm (24 L/s)
Come back in the garage and watch the reaction.
Then search the internet for Jack Kevin Kian.
Enjoy this moment. ([double dagger])
Galveston, Texas and Miami. ([section])
Okay, that\'s not the case, but go with the Roar here.
Not everything must be true.
This sounds good for your argument.
Pretend you\'re a reporter.
However, for a serious discussion, please check the ASHRAE magazine of June 2010. (II)
Where did this number come from? I guessed.
I can do that.
I am an engineer. Old school.
Don\'t like the word \"guess?
OK, use the words \"experience\" and \"judgment.
These words are basically \"educated guesses\" by old engineers \".
Feel better now?
* When I wrote this in the Cool Hand Luke meet loft in April 2014, I was defeated by all sorts of people. Smart folks. Friends.
Tell me things like \"You obviously don\'t understand diffusion theory\" and \"The second law of thermodynamics doesn\'t allow this to be done.
\"In addition to observations, measurements, and experiments, this has been shown to happen.
What should one believe?
Theory or observation?
If you have a question about the answer to this question, see Feynman--the bongo-
Act as a physicist-
My generation is Einstein, Newton and Galileo.
I think we need better theory or better application of existing theory.
If someone emails me trying to prove me wrong, I will find them and hurt them.
Obviously Generation Y will ignore the rules and make something up.
I want to know.
Today I \"feel\" \"worser\" is a real word if I feel it ---Must be true.
Title: Figure 1 (LEFT)Return-In-Closet.
The closet must be kept warm.
Where did the air of makeup come from?
Take it from the house.
Combine the wardrobe with the house. FIGURE 2 (RIGHT)\"Jump Duct.
\"The flexible pipes provide the delivery of air from the house to the closet.
Note: Figure 3 turns to the grille.
The warm air coming out of the house is pulled into the closet to heat the closet.
The grille is offset high and low to reduce noise transmission.
Description: loft air conditioner in figure 1.
The worst thing you can do is install the stove and air
Air conditioning system for ventilation attic.
The attic is much hotter in summer than outside, cold and miserable in winter ---
It gets ugly in a hot and humid climate.
You can\'t serve them easily.
They did not last long.
They need to be in a better place.
Photo description: Photo 2 (LEFT)
The air handler in the garage
Complications. See Kevorkian.
The air in the attic and garage comes from the same place. outside.
But relatively high humidity. It gets worse-wait for it-in a hot attic.
The box that makes the air cold is actually warmer.
Not so much in the garage.
The air handlers themselves are colder, and the supply plenary session connected to them is also colder.
So more things sweatway more.
When we moved the air handlers from the attic to the garage, we actually added moisture issues with the equipment and plumbing works. PHOTO 3 (CENTER)
Air processor in garage closet.
It\'s easy, right?
If they were gas stoves, they wouldn\'t.
How about burning air? PHOTO 4 (RIGHT)
There are gas water heaters and gas stoves in the wardrobe.
Standard gas water heaters and gas stoves that require burning air-
Basically a big hole connecting the closet and the garage.
Defeated the purpose of stopping sweating.
Description: Photo 5 sealed combustion.
If the gas stove is sealed to burn and the water heater is sealed to burn, then there is no need to deliver air from the garage.
This is a great way to do it except for the closet getting cold.
Description: Photo 6 Lonely water heater.
Leaving the standard gas water heater outside the closet solves the burning air problem of the gas water heater in the closet, as does the gas water heater replacing the electric water heater.
Description: Photo 7 mould on ceiling of mechanical closet.
If all you do is put the air conditioner in the closet in the house, you will get mold in the house. Not a lot. But some.
It usually ends in the closet ceiling where the supply room penetrates the ceiling.
This problem disappears with the grille on the return air chamber (
See figure 1 again)
, Plus a jump tube or grille.
Photo description: Photo 8 (LEFT)Flex Duct.
The mechanical wardrobe will be a little negative.
If the ceiling is under a ventilated attic, the plumbing work that penetrates the ceiling needs to be sealed.
You don\'t want to pull hot and humid air from the attic into the mechanical closet.
The supply and return pipe should not be a flexible pipe due to very difficult sealing. PHOTO 9 (RIGHT)Rigid Duct.
Use with rigid pipes because it is much easier to seal where it penetrates the ceiling.
Description: 10 friends with photos of meters.
Students, you can do this experiment at home.
First, find a friend who likes you, but believe that you are wrong and bring your own Dew --
Use a little meter to prove you\'re obviously wrong.
Sensors near floors and ceilings.
The implementation of photo meter reading.
Get a camera ready to record for future generations how wrong he is with you. Oops. Not wrong.
The meter must be wrong. Actually, no.
The difference between Dew-
Temperature point between floor and ceiling.
Picture Description: 12 wardrobes that need to be returned.
What is the least space load? Closets.
The closet needs a \"active\" return on the ceiling and the weakened door.
The wardrobe is getting colder and colder now.
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